Thursday, March 24, 2016

march 24

Mother is having a bone scan today in welland. Praise the Lord that she got an appointment so quickly. --Rachel

Friday, March 18, 2016

March 17 update

Elva Brooks posted March 17:
Thank you all for ongoing prayers. I am happy to report that I have gained some strength and find that I am able to do more now than before. Even the Palliative Care Doctor, when he came yesterday, was amazed to find me looking so much better than last week. Still no weight gain - but still hopeful that an increase in appetite will eventually bring some increase in weight. Thankful for supplements which are giving increase in Protein intake.
Sleeping is better and altogether we are encouraged by all these answers to prayer.
We decided not to do any more Chemotherapy as I was not responding well to it. It is now 4 weeks since I had any Chemo treatment and perhaps that is why my thinking processes have improved somewhat. There are still good days and not so good days - but so thankful for all the love and encouragement being shown by the family of God. Still thankful for regular pain relief.
There are ongoing investigations and at this point I am still waiting for the appointment for my bone scan.
Tanis Walker arrives tonight and currently Rebekah Poid is with me while Don goes to pick up Tanis and the children from the airport.
Thank you all so much for your prayers.
He faileth Not.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Prayer Update March 15

 Elva says:
Have an appointment for a repeat abdominal CT Scan - the good news = it is in March and not 3 mths down the line. Still awaiting an appointment for a bone scan,

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Update March 12 2016

Elva Brooks said: 
MRI did not show any spread into the brain - Thankful to the Lord for His grace.
Some further tests are indicated but maybe will take quite some time before we get them done.
Thankful for visits of friends- and also out for two walks today!!
Count your many blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.
It was great to have Sarah here - thanks once again Matt and I am sure you were glad to have her back.

Monday, March 7, 2016

March 5 update

Elva Brooks said on Saturday March 5: 
I am thankful to say that I had a good weekend - was out to meetings x 2. A walk around the block, Good company - i) visit from fellow Zambian missionaries The Geeseys , ii) R. Poidevin iii) and the midnight arrival of Sarah VanEssen (my daughter). A little touch of spring!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

MRI -March 4

Elva Brooks wrote:
Arrived home at 21.30pm (9.30pm) weary but thankful that the MRI at Juravinski Hosp was now behind me. No results until ? Thursday next week.
thanks to all for your love and support.
So looking forward to having my own nurse, Sarah Van Essen arrive tonight and thankful to Matt for allowing her to come. WE are blessed! She will be with us until Friday am. (kids mid term break but they will be home with other cousins and Uncle and Aunt )

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Re: Communicating with Elva Brooks

Dear all,
This is just to let you know that these days ( & last 3 weeks) Mum is not on facebook very much or e-mail, so from now on if you want to contact her or make sure she sees your note you will need to send an e-mail to Don Brooks’ e-mail .  This is not a new development, but she wanted to make sure you understood why you may not be getting replies.   

Thank you,

Rachel VandenBerg