Sunday, January 31, 2016

Jan 31 - heart condition

Mum (Elva) has been admitted to the hospital for three days to treat her for a possible heart attack. They are not sure but want to be careful. The chemo may have done this but it is uncertain.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Jan 30 - Heart Enzyme elevated

Leonard and I (Rachel) just arrived back in PEI and received a phone call shortly after to say that my Mother, she has a fever and when they went to the hospital to check it out, they found that one of her cardiac enzymes is elevated. It could be nothing, but it could be something. So they are taking her to Welland hospital to check her further. Your prayers are appreciated. My Dad (Don Brooks) is with her.
They will test her heart enzyme again in 6 hours.

--Rachel V.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Jan 27th update - change in chemo

Yesterday was Dr's visit with Lab work prior to Chemo on Thursday.
Dr and Nurse very concerned about the amount of weight loss!! Dr said she had been burdened all week regarding my earlier reaction etc and what they were planning to subject me to. She decided that she will change the regime and not subject me to the heavier doses of Chemo. I am thankful for the Lord's over-ruling hand in having these decisions made for me. I must admit, during the past two weeks, wondering if it was really "worth it all".
Psalm 13:5-6New Living Translation (NLT)
But I trust in your unfailing love.
I will rejoice because you have rescued me.
I will sing to the Lord
because he is good to me.
--Elva Brooks

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Jan 26th update

JAN 26th --- Effects of Chemo have mostly warn off. Mum is walking around the house, even went for a short walk outside- pushing her wheelchair for part of the way and sitting in it for the rest. Nausea is not too bad now. She still can only eat small meals, as digestion is continues to be an issue. She is having some inner ear issues, with balance and an fainting episode. They now have a wheelchair ramp into their home so that is helpful.
Her sister and brother-in-law have arrived safety (Marilyn & John Lindsay). Thank you so much for praying for their trip. It is nice that they are able to have a few days with Mum while she is "normal" before the Chemo takes its effects again.
Mum goes to the doctor today for her pre-chemo appointment. Thursday is the day for her SECOND CHEMO. It will be a long appointment. They plan to give her each drug one at a time to see how she reacts.
---Rachel VandenBerg

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Jan 21

At suppertime today Mother got up and came out of her room, sat on the couch and read a story to my daughter. That was the first time she has left her room in a couple days, and the first time since she came home from the chemo that she has attempted to read a story to the kids. So that was a nice extra bit if effort on her part. My dad's brother, Ed Brooks (from South River, ON) came for the evening, we all enjoyed being able to see him.

--Rachel V.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Jan 19 update

Mother had a slightly better day today, no throwing up. So that was positive. She made a good effort to eat a few meals. So we will hold off with the IVs for now. Hopefully she will be able to continue to keep the food down in the days to come. This is a roller coster, some days are good some are not. Thankful for your continued prayers.

Please do pray for the safe travels of my Aunt & Uncle from NewZealand (my Mother's sister & husband). They arrive on this coming Sunday, January 24th.

--Rachel VandenBerg

Monday, January 18, 2016

Jan 18 2016

We are thankful that in the first few days we were here we had good conversations with Mother (Elva), as she was doing quite well, compared to Christmas time. However since her first chemo treatment she sleeps most of the day. The medication she takes for the nausea & the morphine she takes for the pain make it hard for her to stay awake for very long periods. So nutrition is hindered because of nausea and her sleepiness. She feels very weak which she says herself. If the vomiting continues, we will look into getting an IV to help her regain some strength. (The nurse said this would be possible when requested).

Continue to pray for daily wisdom for those who care for her, that we would know what is the best for her each day.

Also continue to pray for healing. I was encouraged to pray for this as the Lord brought to mind the verses, where our Lord Jesus in Gethsemane, knowing that his whole purpose of coming to the earth was to go to the cross and die, still prayed a number of times "Let this cup pass from Me, but not my will but Yours be done". So, if the Lord Jesus can pray that prayer, then I plan to pray that prayer up until the last minute, "Lord, if it be your will, please, heal my mother, but not my will but Yours be done."  

The future plan is that at her second chemo treatment, which will happen two weeks from the first one, she will be given each of the chemo drugs, one at a time. This way they can assess how she reacts to each one.

My parents have been encouraged by all of your e-mails and messages. My mother is only on the computer for a limited time these days, as she is often drifting off to sleep after only a short time. So if you are needing a response to something, please, feel free to contact myself at

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Jan 14 - First Chemo Treatment

I, Rachel, was much encouraged to see Mother in much better shape than when I left her after Christmas. She is much more alert now that her pain medication dosages have been changed to 12 hourly doses with better pain control. She still is able to only take small amounts of food at a time, but she is making good effort to take as much as she can.

Today Mum went for her Chemo. They gave her a number of treatments. The first one went well. The second treatment was a combination of two drugs which they ran together. However, she had a full blown reaction to this combination, which required drug intervention. They discontinued the rest of the drugs for today, and did not send her home with the infusion pump. On her next treatment in two weeks time they will reassess how she tolerates these drugs which they will give separately and then  decide whether to give her the infusion pump or to change the regime. Nausea has already begun but there are various drugs available to help with this.

My Mother was able to have an encouraging visit with a friend. (Dear Melissa, Mum was most encouraged by your visit – she will write you about the significance of your choice of colour as well as the flower!!)

--Rachel VandenBerg 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wed night

Dear Praying friends,
I had every intention of writing one last update before beginning Chemo tomorrow - but the day has been full and it is now time to rest.

We have just said goodbye to Matt, Sarah and family who head off on their return journey tomorrow.

Lovely that we still have Leonard and Rachel and family around.

Thank you to the many people who have written, visited and prayed. So much appreciated.

So thankful for the Peace of God which passes all understanding.

We rest in Him as we begin this new journey tomorrow.

Standing in need of prayer and so thankful for our great Intercessor!

Because He lives - we CAN face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone.

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our Faith...

Elva and Don

Monday, January 11, 2016

Jan 11 Monday

Rachel & Family start traveling today to Ontario we should arrive on Tuesday the 12th. We plan to be with Mum (Elva) for 2 weeks. We will be staying at a friends house nearby. Sarah & Family leave the 14th in the early morning. Please pray for traveling mercies for each of us.

Mum's doctors appointment with her Cancer Doctor is today (Monday Jan 11). Sarah will go with Mum to this appointment. Pray for clarity in this appointment.

Thank you.
Rachel VandenBerg

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Jan 6 update

Just an update.
--Today Richard & Katherine and Family leave to return to their home in Florida.
--Sarah and Matt and family are staying in a rental house in Port Colborne. They will be there until the 14th then they return to Nebraska.
-- visits are being done in small doses as Mum gets easily tired now. Only handling an hour (sometimes less) before having to go back to bed.
--Mum is dealing with sciatica as well now, so that is an added concern.
--I, Rachel, am in PEI we are still trying to decided when the best time to come is, what is best for Mum and her care etc, so wisdom for that is needed.
--Please pray specifically for my Mothers nutrition intake. She food intake has been decreasing, which is a concern. So please pray for wisdom in how to up her nutrition intake.

Thank you for your continued prayers.
--Rachel (Brooks) VandenBerg

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Update Jan 4 - delays

Interesting day.
1. last night Don discovered that my CT Scan appointment is for Feb 4th not Jan 4th.(happy not to have to got out on this cold, cold day.)
2. Had a call to say that they were changing the date for the first Chemo treatment to 14th Jan rather than the 12th. [Thankful that the Pic line and Dr's appointment have not changed which means that Sarah can still attend with us]
3. And the most wonderful news - came in the form of a call from the GP to say that the Mamogram results had come back clear - So thankful to the Lord for that!

4. Had 10 excited Grand kids here today, from Lincoln - so good to see them.
5. So thankful for all the kind people who offer to help in so many ways. Thankful for wonderful children who can make decisions for me - since sometimes I am too weary to process these things myself.
6. Continue to thank the Lord for all of you, faithful prayer partners. How blessed we are to be part of the family of God.
7. Richard and Katherine are with us until Wednesday - so I still get to have baby time with little Abigail - and that is very special. Although some of the children have been sick - there has never been a night when they have disturbed my sleep and thanks to pain relief - I am generally speaking having good nights of sleep.
Blessed and thankful.

Monday, January 4, 2016

CT scan

thankfully, before we went to sleep, I had Don locate the letter regarding the CT scan and behold, it was for Feb 4th NOT Jan 4th! 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Matt and Sarah

Praise the Lord = Matt, Sarah and family are safely in Port Colborne.

Don & Elva Brooks,    
Field address:                 
P.O.Box 140083,               ,
Kabompo, Zambia.           
Cell phone 097951011/91     
 Canadian Address
73 Maple St,
Port Colborne,
L3K 6G7
 Phone 905 834 8440
Please send ALL emails to

Jan 3 - specific requests

Please, continue to pray for both my mother and father. My mother's pain continues to increase. She is on a morphine medication to help with the pain.

Some specific things to pray for:

* Please, pray for protection from Satan, as he loves to discourage and confuse the truth. Pray that both my parents would be victorious to stand (through the power of the Lord Jesus Christ) against Satan's attacks.

* Please, pray that both my mother and father would be encouraged and strengthened from God's Word and that they would know the Lord's presence moment by moment.

* For wisdom as we look into setting up the care that my mother will need over the next few months. Thank you to those who have already offered meals or your time etc. We are most grateful.

* Also please do continue to pray for a miracle of healing. I pray for this. I know God can do it, but when I pray I always say, "if it is Your will." God's ways are not our ways. We rest in the fact that He knows best. If God's answer is no, He will still be a good God and His ways will continue to be perfect.

Thank you for your continued prayers,
--Rachel (Brooks) VandenBerg

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Gate of the Year

The Gate of the Year.
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”
And he replied:
“Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.” So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night. And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.”
He Leadeth Me
"In pastures green?"—Not always. Sometimes
He, who knoweth best, in kindness leadeth me
In weary ways, where heavy shadows be;
Out of the sunshine warm and soft and bright,
Out of the sunshine into darkest night;
I oft would faint with sorrow and affright,
Only for this—I know He holds my hand;
So whether led in green or desert land,
I trust, although I may not understand.
"And by still waters?"—No, not always so.
Ofttimes the heavy tempests round me blow,
And o'er my soul the waves and billows go.
But when the storm beats loudest, and I cry
Aloud for help, the Master standeth by,
And whispers to my soul, "Lo, it is I!"
Above the tempest wild I hear Him say,
"Beyond the darkness lies the perfect day;
In every path of thine I lead the way."
So, whether on the hill-tops high and fair
I dwell, or in the sunless valleys where
The shadows lie,—what matter? He is there;
And more than this:—where'er the pathway
Lead He gives to me no helpless broken reed,
But His own hand, sufficient for my need.
So where He leads me I can safely go;
And in the blest hereafter I shall know
Why, in His wisdom, He hath led me so.