Thursday, January 14, 2016

Jan 14 - First Chemo Treatment

I, Rachel, was much encouraged to see Mother in much better shape than when I left her after Christmas. She is much more alert now that her pain medication dosages have been changed to 12 hourly doses with better pain control. She still is able to only take small amounts of food at a time, but she is making good effort to take as much as she can.

Today Mum went for her Chemo. They gave her a number of treatments. The first one went well. The second treatment was a combination of two drugs which they ran together. However, she had a full blown reaction to this combination, which required drug intervention. They discontinued the rest of the drugs for today, and did not send her home with the infusion pump. On her next treatment in two weeks time they will reassess how she tolerates these drugs which they will give separately and then  decide whether to give her the infusion pump or to change the regime. Nausea has already begun but there are various drugs available to help with this.

My Mother was able to have an encouraging visit with a friend. (Dear Melissa, Mum was most encouraged by your visit – she will write you about the significance of your choice of colour as well as the flower!!)

--Rachel VandenBerg 

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