We wanted to let you all know that there is new edited version of Mum's funeral, that is now available on youtube by CLICKING HERE.
A friend of ours kindly did some editing and compiling of the original videos and made it a real lovely keepsake for us.
What is different from the other one you watched?
*This one contains the entire day in one video:
-the funeral service,

- tribute video shown at the service, (starts at 11:56)
* Major editing was done to the Tribute video / Slideshow that was shown at the funeral. Some additional verses and poems and scriptures added as well as correcting the images that were upside down in the original.

- burial service, (starts at 1:11:26)

- photos of the actual burial (starts at 1:28:57) (which Rachel and her family attended),

Update on the family:
For those who didn't get the update, my Sister Sarah delivered her baby boy six weeks early. After some initial issues, he was allowed to go home and is now doing really well, and even went on his first family vacation before his due date, which was just yesterday.
Don Brooks (Dad) visited with Sarah for a couple weeks, and was able to be there when she had her baby boy, and help with looking after the other kids. Then he visit family and friends in Northern Ontario and then got a special opportunity to join Richard & family at the new Ark Encounter made by Answers in Genesis. (Life size Ark replica) and then tour the Creation Museum.
He will be heading to Zambia for a couple months leaving this week, in order to "bring the funeral home" to his Zambia family and friends.