December 12, 2015
To dear friends,
We do know that with God, nothing is impossible - we rest in Him and in His strength we go.
To dear friends,
We do know that with God, nothing is impossible - we rest in Him and in His strength we go.
Not sure how much you have heard. However, haven't really been feeling well since our return - but thought I had something like Amoeba. After 3 trips to the doctor - and increasing pain, nausea and sleepless nights - we decided to go to the Urgent Care centre at the hospital thinking at this point that perhaps I had kidney stones.The care at the hospital was amazing and thorough but they didn't find anything to support the kidney stones however, in doing a thorough abdominal ultra sound saw something on my liver and advised a CAT scan and while saying it was not urgent they did tell me that I could have it that very day at a hospital in the next city. So we thought - why not get everything done today and so they communicated with the hospital, we went there and were almost immediately taken in for the CAT scan. (No one here has ever heard of this happening before!)
Following the CAT scan we were told to wait in the Emergency Department for a Doctor to discuss the results. We were there for hours as they dealt with various critical patients including someone who had a Cardiac Arrest in the parking lot just as we arrived in Emerg - and then there were Ambulances bringing in other patients who had had heart attacks. (at one time 3 patients were brought in on stretchers at the same time!!) After waiting for 4 hours we were finally ushered into a cubicle where I could rest and we waited another 4 1/2 hours before a sweet Christian doctor who knew about Zambia and some of our Mission Hospitals, came to see me. After discussion he informed me that he had received the results from the radiologist and they had shown a tumour on my Pancreas with spread (metastasis) into the liver and they would be referring me to the Cancer hospital in another city to be seen by the Cancer specialists and after they did another blood test we would be free to go home and get the results of the blood test later. He left saying he would be praying for us!
All this has happened and we had not been back in Canada for a complete 3 weeks!
What an amazing God we have to orchestrate our plans so that we would be back here before I took sick - and where facilities and treatment centres are so much more readily available. Our real purpose in coming was to reestablish health insurance coverage with in Canada and then, as the Lord enabled, make return trips to Zambia. Of course, this diagnosis came to us as a big shock. Being a nurse I didn't need anyone to tell me that Pancreatic Cancer is one the worst cancers to be found with and one of the 4th leading causes of death from Cancer in North America!
But - as you have heard from Don so many times in the past year/s "Nothing happens out side of our God's knowledge and if he allows something he allows it for a good purpose. His ways are higher than ours and His way is perfect "
Following the CAT scan we were told to wait in the Emergency Department for a Doctor to discuss the results. We were there for hours as they dealt with various critical patients including someone who had a Cardiac Arrest in the parking lot just as we arrived in Emerg - and then there were Ambulances bringing in other patients who had had heart attacks. (at one time 3 patients were brought in on stretchers at the same time!!) After waiting for 4 hours we were finally ushered into a cubicle where I could rest and we waited another 4 1/2 hours before a sweet Christian doctor who knew about Zambia and some of our Mission Hospitals, came to see me. After discussion he informed me that he had received the results from the radiologist and they had shown a tumour on my Pancreas with spread (metastasis) into the liver and they would be referring me to the Cancer hospital in another city to be seen by the Cancer specialists and after they did another blood test we would be free to go home and get the results of the blood test later. He left saying he would be praying for us!
All this has happened and we had not been back in Canada for a complete 3 weeks!
What an amazing God we have to orchestrate our plans so that we would be back here before I took sick - and where facilities and treatment centres are so much more readily available. Our real purpose in coming was to reestablish health insurance coverage with in Canada and then, as the Lord enabled, make return trips to Zambia. Of course, this diagnosis came to us as a big shock. Being a nurse I didn't need anyone to tell me that Pancreatic Cancer is one the worst cancers to be found with and one of the 4th leading causes of death from Cancer in North America!
But - as you have heard from Don so many times in the past year/s "Nothing happens out side of our God's knowledge and if he allows something he allows it for a good purpose. His ways are higher than ours and His way is perfect "
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From a life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
This is the power of Christ in me
From a life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Could ever pluck me from His hand
Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I stand
Could ever pluck me from His hand
Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I stand
And so we wait on Him - waiting too for an appointment at the Cancer hospital - where they will likely do a biopsy and there is the possibility of surgery and various other options - the outcome is in His hand
Someone posted this below on my FB page and it really sums things up nicely

and so we are waiting
So thankful for the prayers of His people - probably the reason that I have not had another sleepless night.
The Lord be with you all
Our times are in His hand
Because He lives, I CAN face tomorrow.
In Him
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