Thursday, December 24, 2015

Significance of "Christmas" this Christmas Eve 2015

What significance does "Christmas" have for me in the early hours of "Christmas Eve"2015

The words of the following hymn contain some wonderful truths:
Down from His glory,
  Ever living story,
My God and Savior came,
  And Jesus was His name.
Born in a manger,
  To His own a stranger,
A Man of sorrows, tears and agony.

 O how I love Him! How I adore Him!
My breath, my sunshine, my all in all!
The great Creator became my Savior,
  And all God's fullness, dwelleth in Him.

What condescension,
  Bringing us redemption;
That in the dead of night,
  Not one faint hope in sight,
God, gracious, tender,
  Laid aside His splendor,
Stooping to woo, to win, to save my soul.

Without reluctance,
  Flesh and blood His substance
He took the form of man,
  Revealed the hidden plan.
O glorious myst'ry,
  Sacrifice of Calv'ry,
And now I know Thou art the great "I AM."

From Hebrews 2 His own inspired words and explanation:
14Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil,
(He entered our world, with the express purpose of suffering and dying, so that we, who deserved suffering and eternal death – could be brought into freedom and light.)
 15and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.

(death no longer holds any fear – even when you are looking it in the face)
 17Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.
(He knew tiredness, hunger, thirst, pain and suffering and these he willingly submitted to)
 18For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

(Because He entered into and experienced all that for me, when I, to a very small degree,  am called to suffer I know that He understands and can sympathize with me.  And in these times – He is there beside me, giving strength and comfort.
He willingly subjected Himself to the plan of His Father – because, looking ahead, with great love, he anticipated with  joy, the day when all who entered into that salvation thru faith, would join him for eternity.)

"I gave my life for thee, what hast thou given for me?"

Do I enjoy the anticipation of pain, and nausea? "No".
Do I groan and cry during some of those times – "Yes"  – but even my Saviour cried, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me, never the less, not my will but thine be done"

And so, this Christmas Eve – I am thankful:
Thankful for my Saviour :-

who came that "first Christmas" with the express purpose of walking this valley ahead of me and freeing me from it's "sting"

Who promised to never leave me nor forsake me,

Who is my faithful High Priest – able to come to my aid and to the aid of all those near and dear to me, whether here, in NZ or in Zambia.

Who has removed the sting of death and who has the power to save, rescue and heal – if it is His will.

Thankful for the ONE who willingly submitted to the Father's will and I pray for grace to be as willingly submissive to His will, no matter the cost.

I am thankful too for the wonderful love and support of the whole family of God.

Thankful that one day there will be no more tears.

Thankful to know that our own dear Children walk in truth – and that they are seeking to bring up their little ones, in that same truth.

Looking forward to seeing today, Lord willing, our firstborn, Richard, his wife Katherine, together with 5 of their children, meeting their newest little Abigail for the first time and wondering who is going to be the first to see their firstborn, Elysha again.

Then also wondering – if perhaps today, or one day very soon, "This same Jesus, whom you have seen taken up into Heaven, will come again…"

So yes – the depth of the meaning of "Christmas" for each child of God – means that – we do indeed have Peace, and Hope – because we have experienced His sacrificial love.

I feel sad when I think of the many who face this time of the year or a major crisis in their lives, without that Hope. Saddened to think of those who do not experienced His love and who allow their experiences with major crisis, sickness or death to cause bitterness and anger to grow.
1 Out of Christ, without a Saviour,
Oh! can it, can it be;
Like a ship without a rudder,
On a wild and stormy sea!
Oh! to be without a Saviour,
With no hope nor refuge nigh;
Can it be, O blessed Saviour,
One without Thee dares to die?
2 Out of Christ, without a Saviour,
Lonely and dark the way;
With no light, no hope in Jesus,
Making bright the cheerless day. [Refrain]
3 Out of Christ, without a Saviour,
No help nor refuge nigh;
How can you, my friend and brother,
Dare to life or dare to die? [Refrain]
My prayer is that each who read this Christmas Post will know or come to know the Peace and Joy that only He can give – it comes – not just because He came as  baby – but because He came with the purpose of giving His life as a sacrifice for our sins. 
Because He lives – we CAN face tomorrow
May the real blessing of Christ – be yours this Christmas time.
Thank you for all the encouragement you are to us.

Elva Brooks,    

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