Monday, December 21, 2015

Prayer Update Dec 21

Today was an interesting and sobering experience for both Don and I as we were walking towards the entrance of the Cancer Hospital. We have made a number of trips to the Cancer Hospital in Lusaka –taking patients and helping them thru the ropes, pleading for their cause – always as the support person but we had a sudden reality check – this time it’s us – not someone else.  I said to Don, supposedly, I am dying of Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer and as I heard David Jeremiah say very recently – “it is not that I am afraid to die – but I don’t really want to die”.  Then, as we discussed the situation with the Oncologist and asked for her frank assessment she said there were no options to choose from – surgery was not possible and nor was radiation and to do nothing, given the rate of progress in 3 weeks, while she could not of course accurately predict, she wondered if I would outlive 3 months.

The only possible course of action from her point of view was CHEMOTHERAPY – and she suggested an aggressive approach (since I was in “pretty good shape at this point” she thought I could handle it) This of course would attack not only the cancer cells but my whole immune system. There are still some further tests to be carried out and bookings have been made for the 12th January. They kept repeating that if we change our mind at any time – we are able to “call the shots” – they encouraged us to take an active interest in the course of treatment – and sent us home with a bundle of information to process.  Armed with a prescription for a Morphine related drug for the pain – we set off for home, and after waiting for some time at the Pharmacy, arrived home 10hours from when we had left the house in the morning. Hopeful that tonight I will be able to sleep.

And so meantime – we continue endeavoring to follow an aggressive nutritional approach and continue to value your prayers as we walk into this new year.  Lord willing Richard and family will be coming here for Christmas.  The plans for the rest of the family are not yet finalized. I know that they would appreciate prayer too.

We thank you for your prayers and continue to look to the Lord for His Wisdom and direction – step by step.

Appreciated encouragement from a book given to me recently “Comfort for Troubled Christians"

He Cares – He Cleanses -He Comforts –– He Controls-- He Knows.
Reference to Mal 3:3 brought to mind the words of a hymn a heard many years ago when visiting in NZ (partly copied below)   "Refiners Fire"

Purify my heart
Let me be as gold and precious silver
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold, pure gold

Refiner's fire
My heart's one desire
Is to be holy

Set apart for You, Lord
I choose to be holy
Set apart for You, my Master
Ready to do Your will
Purify my heart
Cleanse me from within
And make me holy
Purify my heart…..


  1. Thank you for sharing this ... what has transpired today, Elva...more that we can pray for, even that you can have a good and peaceful sleep tonight. Praying.

  2. Praying for all of you. Hopeful the new pain meds will indeed allow you to rest.
