Saturday, June 19, 2021

Update Saturday June 19 @ 10 am (second post for today)

Update Saturday June 19 @ 10 am (second post for today)

Sarah wanted to share one story from yesterday: 

The spot where David and his friends had been swimming was occupied with a middle aged couple enjoy a quiet time fly fishing together.  I didn't want to disturb them, but I really did want to go stand on the shore by the river. 
After I was there for a short time, they packed up and started leaving. 
I walked over to apologize for disturbing their peaceful moments,  and explained why I was there.  

The man looked at me and said, 
I understand.  I lost my son right before his 21st birthday to a drowning accident.   

After talking for a bit I found out they were from Alaska... 
(One of David's dreams was to go to Alaska and fly fish.  In fact at one point David talked about moving up there and building a cabin.  We got him a copy of the Alaska magazine..and it was one of  the only things David would choose to read on his own.)

After a bit more talking I found out his son had severe dyslexia and struggled in school but excelled in the outdoors.  

It was beyond coincidence...
To meet a fisherman, from Alaska, ..a fly fisherman,  
who had lost a son, a young son, in a drowning accident.   
And a son that was dyslexic, ...everything just like our David.  

After we talked for a bit, they went on up the bank, where they met the rest of our group.  
By the time I came up, I heard our friend talking with them and he said:
"Hey Matt, what was that verse you were just sharing with me?"  

That led to Matt talking about Psalm 139 vs 16:
"Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
 And in Your book they all were written, 
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them." 

That led to Matt talking about how are days are planned out by God and they are limited.   
From there Matt shared the gospel with them...just simple but clear.   
He was able to talk about how when David was drowning he might have cried out "Help me...",
 just like we need to cry out to Jesus and say "Help me".  

When they were close to being done, 
Caleb showed me a little calendar tract that had been sitting in David's wallet for a while.   
It was rather wrinkled.  

But I took that and on it was the word " Certainty " was just what we had been talking about...the certainty of knowing David is with Jesus.  

I gave the card to the lady and told her I would like her to keep it. She held it to her chest with tears.  
After talking she hugged us and he shook Matt's hand and Matt said...I want to see you in heaven.   

Please  pray for this couple as they process what Matt shared with them.  
Pray the word of God would not return to him void...

Our plan for today:

Today, Saturday, we plan to take a day as a family and just enjoy God's creation here.  
We have had a long hard week and need to take a day to just breath, enjoy the beauty around here and be together.

--From Sarah Van Essen on behalf of the family

Original Story/ Fund & Funeral Information:

Funeral info:

Saturday June 26 at 10 am. 

At First Evangelical Free church. 

3280 S. 84th St. | Lincoln, NE 68506

1 comment:

  1. Bawling my eyes out. I didn't really know David, only met him a handful of times. But I know you and Matt, Sarah, and my heart is so torn up for you both. The way you're moving through one of the hardest, if not THE hardest traumas a person can face leaves me speechless. I'm praying for your family daily and reading these little windows into the mourning your family is going through. This is setting your children up for such an incredible understanding of life, death, and as you said, certainty. You are such a blessing to everyone around you, love you all.
